Quick Guide To Start Up and Shut Down of Your Solar System ( Standard Inverter)
System Shut Down Procedure
- Switch off the DC Isolator Switch (as labelled and the switch is BLACK in colour)
- Switch off the DC isolator switch underneath the invertor (BLACK switch underneath the inverter)
- Switch off the AC isolator switch (as labelled and RED in colour)
- Switch off the PV Circuit trip switch (labelled Inverter AC supply above it) in the Solar PV Electrical Distribution board and /or at the Main Distribution Board {Main Fuse Board).
Please ensure your system is COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN before performing any works on the system. Please ensure all works are carried out by a qualified and Registered PV Solar Installer.
Please Note, A Full and Detailed Operations and Maintenance Manual is Provided in Your Solarstream Handover Pack.
System Start – UP Process
- Turn the DC isolator switch to the On Position (labelled and the switch is BLACK in colour)
- Turn the DC isolator switch underneath the invertor to the On Position (BLACK switch underneath the inverter)
- Turn the AC isolator switch to the On Position (labelled and switch is RED in colour)
- Switch on the PV circuit trip switch (labelled inverter AC supply above it) in the Solar PV Electrical Distribution board and/or at the Main Distribution Board (Main fuse board)
- The Inverter may take a minimum of three minutes to start- up once total power has been restored.
Please Refer to the Inverter Manual provided in your Solarstream Handover pack for detailed Operations, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.
In the event of a systems failure or an emergency please call 059-9118901 (24 HRS)