Quick Guide To Start Up and Shut Down of Your Solar System ( Standard Inverter)

System Shut Down Procedure

  1. Switch off the DC Isolator Switch (as labelled and the switch is BLACK in colour)
  2. Switch off the DC isolator switch underneath the invertor (BLACK switch underneath the inverter)
  3. Switch off the AC isolator switch (as labelled and RED in colour)
  4. Switch off the PV Circuit trip switch (labelled Inverter AC supply above it) in the Solar PV Electrical Distribution board and /or at the Main Distribution Board {Main Fuse Board).

Please ensure your system is COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN before performing any works on the system. Please ensure all works are carried out by a qualified and Registered PV Solar Installer.

Please Note, A Full and Detailed Operations and Maintenance Manual is Provided in Your Solarstream Handover Pack.

System Start – UP Process 

  1. Turn the DC isolator switch to the On Position (labelled and the switch is BLACK in colour)
  2. Turn the DC isolator switch underneath the invertor to the On Position (BLACK switch underneath the inverter)
  3. Turn the AC isolator switch to the On Position (labelled and switch is RED in colour)
  4. Switch on the PV circuit trip switch (labelled inverter AC supply above it) in the Solar PV Electrical Distribution board and/or at the Main Distribution Board (Main fuse board)
  5. The Inverter may take a minimum of three minutes to start- up once total power has been restored.

Please Refer to the Inverter Manual provided in your Solarstream Handover pack for detailed Operations, Maintenance and Troubleshooting.

In the event of a systems failure or an emergency please call 059-9118901 (24 HRS)