Farmer Grants

The grant aid rate for solar PV systems is 60% for farmers. This is a significant increase from TAMS II which was set at 40%.

Importantly, Irish farmers who benefited from TAMS II can reapply in full under the new scheme. Contact us now for more information to see if you are eligible for a Solar Grant.

TAMS Solar Grants for 


The grant aid rate for solar PV systems is 60% for farmers. This is a significant increase from TAMS II which was set at 40%.

The department has announced that solar PV systems will have a separate investment ceiling up to €90,000. Additionally, the scheme sees an increase in the size of available investments from 12kW to 62kW. The scheme will ultimately enable every farmer to generate their own power to help achieve a more sustainable rural economy, and reduce energy costs on their holdings.

Please see below of an example of how you can save with a solar system supported by TAMs.

Contact us

Payback Period for a 30kWp system including Grants

Estimate of Solar PV payback for a 100-cow dairy farm

Estimate of future energy prices

25 cent

29 cent

35 cent


Estimated equipment costs for 30kWp system




Grant aid

TAMS 60%




Net Cost after TAMS




Estimated Savings

Electricity Produced & Consumed on site -90%




Grid Feed in - 10%




Estimated Savings




Return on Investment

Breakeven without TAMS grant

7 Years

6.3 Years

5.5 Years

Breakeven with TAMS grant

2.8 Years

2.5 Years

2.2 Years

Estimated System Lifetime

25 Years +

25 Years +

25 Years +

This table does not include any additional savings from the Accelerated Capital Allowance which will reduce the payback period even further.

Want to see how much you can save?